Good Strategy in Site Design will Improve Your SEO
By: Ryan Attelle
There are a lot of ingredients that go into effective SEO. Many people assume it is all about keywords and back links. Yes these are very important factors but so is your website design. Your website should be designed in a manner that is easy to navigate for both the users and the search engines.
So what is the best way to develop a good site strategy which is both search engine and user friendly, well by asking questions. When you are close to completion or you have completed your site you want to take a step back and look at it objectively and ask whether or not it meets the needs of each person which you determined earlier. Are these people having an awesome experience when they visit ? Another important scenario to anticipate is where the user will land when they come to your page. A user doesn't always enter your website from the home page, sometimes they land on one of your inner pages, also known as a child page. When this happens you want to make sure they can get oriented easily and immediately. Consider how hard it is to figure out how to get back to the home page. Beyond the home page you want to make sure they can easily find everything else you have to offer as well. Finally it is important to see whether or not your site has focus. In this I mean does the page have one singular topic, and does the user easily understand what that topic is. A lot of times what ends up happening is that when people start building a site there in a bit of a rush, and when they ad new content the simply append it to the existing page. This is not the best strategy. Instead what you want to do is add new pages each with there own focus but all related to the surrounding pages in some way.

For effective SEO you need a really good web design. SEO is not all about keywords and back links. Although they are extremely important to ones SEO success website design is also as important. A website should be easy to navigate for both the users and the search engines giving you the very best results.
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